Royal Greenwich Crest

Eltham, Mottingham, New Eltham SE9
Royal Borough of Greenwich

Add Your Listing

We only list businesses physically located in SE9, not those that cover/serve the area but are located elsewhere. This is also mostly true for community and leisure listings but we are more flexible with these, particularly where there is nothing comparable actually within the SE9 postcode.

It is totally FREE to add your business or community/leisure group, however, there is also the option to make your business stand out from the crowd, by opting for our "Featured" listing status. This costs just £20.00 a year and additionally:

  • You will be one of a limited number of featured listings
  • Your listing will appear on our front page (randomly selected)
  • You will be listed on the shops and services page, selected in a random sequence, prior to visitors choosing which shop they wish to find.
  • You will be listed at the top of your chosen categories, in a randomly selected sequence if more than one business chooses to be featured in it

You will be emailed once a year to ensure that your details are correct. If we do not receive a reply confirming your details, or requesting alterations, your listing will be deleted.

Business/Group Details

Business/Group Name *
Business/Group Address *

Postcode *
Telephone No *
Alternative Telephone No
Business/Group Email
Description *
Maximum of 1000 characters
Photo or logo
You can include a photograph of your logo with your listing. The maximum size displayed will be 200px x 150px and photos will be automatically resized to fit this. Photos must be in the format of .jpg or .png to be resized. If it is a .gif it must be no bigger than 200px wide or 150px high otherwise it will be rejected.
Upload Photo
Please choose up to 3 categories from either the shops & services list or the community/leisure list
Shops & Services
Leisure & Community

Admin Address

Use business address.

Listing Contact Details

Please Note: We do not pass on your details to any third party, and they are used purely to communicate with you in regard to your listing.
Name *
Telephone No
Email *
To try and prevent spam, please enter the result of 3 x 4 = *
Yes, please
I wish my business to be a Featured Listing on for £20.00 a year
No, thank you
I only want a free basic listing on